1. Login as root (replace localhost with your server address)
ssh root@localhost
2. Type in this command and press enter
3. Type in your new password and press enter
4. Reconfirm your new password and press enter
1. Login as root (replace localhost with your server address)
ssh root@localhost
2. Type in this command and press enter
3. Type in your new password and press enter
4. Reconfirm your new password and press enter
1. Launch the SSH terminal 2. Install the RPM file wget -q -O – http://www.atomicorp.com/installers/atomic |sh 3. Install the ioncube loader yum -y install […]
To see list of available locales type following in terminal locale -a Now to change the locale type export LANG=<some_locale> For Example […]
Nano editor makes it easier to edit files through the terminal/command prompt window. In order to install it on CentOS 1. Login as […]
Symptoms: While performing sh latest command the system stuck with an error message about installer.lock. Beginning main installation. Detected an installer lock file […]